You Hookerfuckers make me sick, no wonder you all are losers, the irony is the same guys that are dissing Gunwitch were the same ones that use to suck his cock on Barry's old forum, and went to bat for him when guys like I and Pua comic called him out
fucking dick riding faggots
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lol, I was the one who called him out idiot. Why do you think he has such a hatred for me?
Also, I highly doubt he was 'clinically dead'
The chances of a person recovering from that, even in an OR is a tiny fucking percentage. Like, less then 5%. I think he just choked on some chicken bones he stole from his mommy and then after raping her, decided that it would be a horrible story, so heart attack, clinically dead, coma.
If he was induced in a coma he wouldn't be fucking out of the hospital now.
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Shut up Powerhouse.
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That's what he gets for going on a 10 year whiskey bing, and confining himself from human contact by staying shut in his ouse all the time.
Humans need to be around other humans to stay healthy.
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Dude, what kind of broscience is that ? Of course if your unhappy due to lack of human contact it might hurt your health, but if you're happy living a loner lifestyle, can't see how it would hurt you.
I listened to his show for the first time after he had his heart attack. It was really good. I had DL'd one of his other eps a long time ago and I listened to that one too and I liked that one as well.
I have a different impression of him than when I listened to him on BKRS, and how he acted when he was on the forums. He seems like a pretty cool and funny dude.
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Which show the 1 before or after his heart attack?